City of Firwood – Alchemist House

City of Firwood - Alchemist House

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Alchemist House. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. No supports needed for real. Only problem with these early models is the door, The door relies on a small printed pin to pivot on, mine broke several days after painting. To remedy this, I edited it to have a 2mm hole through the door vertically, and then used my pin vise to drill a hole on the bottom. Amazon sells 2mm steel rods. I simply cut one to length and fixed my door to the new rod. Total Print Information: 58hrs 22min (364 grams of Filament) Lost track of Resin Usage.

City of Firwood – Medium House

City of Firwood - Medium House

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Medium House. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. No supports needed for real. Total Print Information: 157hrs 57min (948 grams of Filament) (19.42ml of resin)

City of Firwood – Bank

City of Firwood - Bank

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Bank. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. No supports needed for real. Down side to this one was the front roof, I don’t care for how it attaches to the main building, there is too much adjusting, and tolerances are too tight. Total Print Information: 121hrs 137min (711 grams of Filament) Lost track of Resin Usage.

City of Firwood – Small House

City of Firwood - Small House

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Small House. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. No supports needed for real. Only problem with these early models is the door, The door relies on a small printed pin to pivot on, mine broke several days after painting. To remedy this, I edited it to have a 2mm hole through the door vertically, and then used my pin vise to drill a hole on the bottom. Amazon sells 2mm steel rods. I simply cut one to length and fixed my door to the new rod. Total Print Information: 62hrs 15min (372 grams of Filament) Lost track of Resin

City of Firwood – Wizard Tower

City of Firwood - Wizard Tower

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Wizard House. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. No supports needed for real. Only problem with these early models are the doors, The door relies on a small printed pin to pivot on, mine broke several days after painting. To remedy this, I edited the file to have a 2mm hole through the door vertically, and then used my pin vise to drill a hole on the bottom. Amazon sells 2mm steel rods. I simply cut one to length and fixed my doors to the new rod. The tower is very tall and I have broken parts from them falling. I have gone through each layer, drilled holes and installed magnets. Total Print Information: 131hrs 15min (1126 grams of Filament)

City of Firwood – Mansion

City of Firwood - Mansion

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Mansion. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. No supports needed for real. This print took the longest for me to print and paint, This print has the most playable interior and by far the most detailed. There are amazing little woodwork pieces the biggest roof yet. Total Print Information: 248hrs 6min (1,447 grams of Filament) Lost track of Resin Usage.

City of Firwood – Witch Hunt

City of Firwood - Witch Hut

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Witch Hut. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. I did custom supports when printing the roof on this one, The tree canopies took forever too. I have been painting most of this village in the same color roofs, however the wife told me to change up the tree colors. Not everything needs to be grim dark right? Total Print Information: 177hrs 55min (1004 grams of Filament) (8.54ml of resin) $19.35 Cost!

City of Firwood – Stables

City of Firwood - Stables

STL Miniatures – City of Firwood – Stables. One of several fantastically created buildings that are a pleasure to print. I did custom supports when printing the roof on this one, It seemed a bit vicarious. Also Printed the roof and both floors in one piece. Total Print Information: 200hrs 25min (812 grams of Filament) (97.17ml of resin)